Aptauja Klientu apmierinātība ar PMLP pakalpojumiem; Customer Satisfaction Survey with the OCMA Service

Labdien! Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvaldei (PMLP) ir svarīgs ikviena klienta viedoklis. Lai izvērtētu un uzlabotu pakalpojumu kvalitāti, lūdzam Jūs aizpildīt šo aptaujas anketu. Aptauja ir anonīma, iegūtie dati tiks izmantoti tikai apkopotā veidā. Atbildot uz jautājumiem, lūdzu, vērtējiet tikai vienu konkrētu PMLP apmeklējumu 2024. gadā! Aptaujas aizpildīšanai nevajadzēs vairāk par 7-8 minūtēm Jūsu laika.
Customer satisfaction survey with the OCMA service.
The opinion of every customer is important for the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. In order to evaluate and improve the quality of our services, please, fill in the questionnaire. The survey is anonymous, the data obtained will be used only in aggregated form. When answering the questions, please, rate only one specific OCMA service you received in 2024!
Customer satisfaction survey with the OCMA service.
The opinion of every customer is important for the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. In order to evaluate and improve the quality of our services, please, fill in the questionnaire. The survey is anonymous, the data obtained will be used only in aggregated form. When answering the questions, please, rate only one specific OCMA service you received in 2024!
Šī aptauja ir slēgta un atbildes sniegt vairs nav iespējams!
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